“I can’t remember a time when I haven’t been surrounded by fostering. My parents fostered many young people over a period of more than 30 years and in March 1989 set up the second independent fostering agency in the UK. I joined this fostering service in 1991 and from 2002, I undertook the role of Operations Director and was integral in supporting the board of directors to expand the range of fostering, residential and educational services across the Southeast. Due to retirement and exit of the founding directors in 2005, I undertook the Responsible Individual and Managing Director role until 2007. After this I established FosterCare UK in May 2007 with my partner Alison Finn. My focus being strategic planning and establishing this new fostering service as a pioneer in therapeutic fostering that this service is now nationally known by. I used my key strengths in business development, contracting and commissioning, partnership working and setting high standards to drive this service forward.
Given my many years of strategic, HR, financial, operational and compliance experience, I will continue to use these strengths to support evolve Therapeutic Children’s Services, and look forward to develop a range of children’s services across the group, over the coming years.”
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