Your questions on transferring foster agencies

We understand that you may have questions about transferring services.
Please see the most common questions covered below.

We would love to hear from you about your fostering career! Please do not hesitate to contact us as our team is on hand for you!

The most common questions

1) Why do foster parents want to transfer to a new fostering service?

Some foster parents feel undervalued in their current service.
Most of those who have already transferred to evovle did so because they lacked the relevant support and became demotivated with their previous service.
Our team have received many transferrers and they have seen first-hand that a service move can completely change a parent's fostering experience.

2) Where can I get support once I have decided to transfer?

For every part of the transferring process, we’re right there with you. Our goal is to make everything as straightforward as possible.

3) Can I transfer the training I have already received from my current foster service?

All the skills you have learnt during your fostering career will be transferred across, assessed and a new personalised training programme will be produced.

4) Can I transfer from a local authority to an Independent fostering agency?

Yes, you are perfectly within your rights to transfer to an Independent fostering agency from a local authority provider.

5) How long does it take to transfer foster agencies?

Your assessment can be fast tracked for selected applicants leading to a shorter assessment and transfer time – please contact us to discuss your circumstances. The full transfer is usually completed within 3 – 6 months.

6) Will I receive the same pay as my current agency?

We have a highly competitive fee structure though income within that structure is based on qualifications and experience.

7) Can I transfer with the children I am currently fostering?

Yes. If you wish to transfer and there are children and young people in placement, the local authority responsible would organize a transfer protocol meeting to discuss the transfer, any implications on the children and young people and ensure the minimal disruption to them and you.

8) Why choose evolve as your new foster care agency?

At evolve, we believe that strong relationships hold the key to successful fostering, which is why we’re committed to nurturing them constantly. We also enjoy strong working relationships with local authority partners, meaning we receive regular opportunities to place children and young people with our foster families.
Transfer to evolve

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